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Monday, December 5, 2011


Monday 10.12pm.

Holidays are torturous right now, I really have nothing to do, everyday, I wake up, Fifa a bit, then mope around the house, it really isn't fun, =/

Until like, a few days ago, I decided to finally check out The Big Bang Theory.
Let me tell, if I had to choose between How I Met Your Mother and this, I don't know what I'd choose, and I LOVE HIMYM, so you probably realise how big of a deal this show is, XD

Because of this show, I spent the last few days cooped up in my room watching this from Season 1 to 5, I couldn't watch a few cause, well, the Internet is stupid like that. I kinda regret watching it so fast though, I miss it already. =/

Oh and me being a guy and all, having a hot girl in the show doesn't help me stop watching. XD
She's more cute than hot lah. I don't know about you, but to me, there's a difference. XD, kinda like, more girl next door-sy, y'know? y'know? I bet you don't with my explanation and all, XD

All in all, a very rockin show, pity they don't have this on Astro, =/

So now while waiting for other episodes of it to come out, I think I shall revert back to HIMYM, I still haven't caught like, 3 episodes of season 7.

Whoa, I just became one of those 24/7 watching stuff people. =/

So what else is new? Well.... nothing. Totally nothing. How sad izzat?