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Sunday, November 7, 2010

It is now 10.15 on a Sunday. Monday's coming!

The reason I'm so ecstatic is because futsal competition tommorow! As I said, it's gonna be me, Wei Jie, Syabil, Darien and Kai Loon.

Darien's the sub (like duh), so we'r actually a pretty good team, I'm gonna be playing defense and Wei Jie's gonna help out a bit and Syabil's just gonna curi ayam,XD

The thing is, I'm not even sure if we can make it to last 16. We're like England, good, but not winners.XD

So anyways,nothing much happened today,went swimming, then just caught the world premier of Great Migrations on Nat Geo HD

I was watching with the family, and these were te comments made by my mum and sis..

'The crab pincer so big, must be very nice wan!'

*refering to wilderbeast* 'Deer!'

Why whale so big but their 'thing' so small wan?

And whenever the animals are mating, my mum would be like ' See, the thing is killing the other thing!'

No time with the Lee's are bad times.XD